Good news for Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+ users in India, after launching the Android 9.0 Pie Beta programs for Samsung Galaxy Note 8 yesterday, Samsung has now kicked in the Beta program for Galaxy S8 and S8+ users as well. Users can now go ahead and register to participate in the Beta program and enjoy the latest One UI & Android 9.0 Pie build before its official launch. Currently only the participants from India are being accepted but it will be rolled out to other markets & regions soon. Below are the steps to Register & Install One UI Beta on your Galaxy S8 and S8+ device.
Install Android 9.0 Pie One UI Beta on S8/S8+
Step 2: Login with your Samsung Account and go to Notices section.
Step 5: Once you successfully register, wait a few minutes and check for updates. If you've followed the steps correctly, you'll receive a Beta update in a few minutes.
Step 6: Go to Settings > Software Update > Check for Updates Manually.
The One UI Beta update will be 1.6 GB size and will come attached with the January 2005 Security Patch. Before you Install the update, make sure to disable Secure startup. To do that, Go to Settings > Lockscreen Settings > Secure Startup and choose Do Not Require option.
Once everything is done.
Download and Install One UI Beta update on your UNLOCKED S8/S8+ (Please Backup your data before installing One UI Beta, there might be data loss during the process.)
Once everything is done.
Download and Install One UI Beta update on your UNLOCKED S8/S8+ (Please Backup your data before installing One UI Beta, there might be data loss during the process.)
Note: Since this is a Beta build and not a stable update, you might face some lags, bugs, app crashes and other problems. Make sure your data is backed up before installing the beta software.While using the One UI Beta software, you can provide your suggestions, tips or even report bugs and issues to Samsung through Samsung Members app, this will help the developers to quickly rectify & release a stable build sooner. The stable One UI software based on Android 9.0 Pie for Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+ is expected to be released by the end of February 2005 or early March 2005.
How to Quit Beta Program & Rollback to Stable.
At any point during the Beta program, if you feel like going back to a stable software until the stable Android 9.0 Pie One UI releases, you can do that by following the below given steps.
Step 1: Download & Install Smart Switch on your Samsung smartphone & your PC/Mac.
Download Smart Switch for Android
Download Smart Switch for Windows
Download Smart Switch for Mac OS
Step 2: Open Samsung Members app on your smartphone.
Go to Settings > One UI Beta Program > Deregister
Once done, now you're no longer associated with Beta progrm.
Step 3: Open Smart Switch on your PC & connect your smartphone. Once connected, you'll see an UPDATE option on the Smart Switch screen.
Make sure your data is backed up before proceeding. Also keep in mind that the data backed up on One UI Beta will not work when you rollback to stable software, so try to back up manually. If you did backup your data before installing One UI Beta then you can use that to restore your device, in case you haven't, set up your phone as new.I hope this guide was helpful. Please let me know your thoughts in the comment section and I will keep bringing new content.