Oppo today launched two new smartphones in India, the Oppo F11 Pro & Oppo F11 - while the Oppo F11 comes with a water-drop style notch which contains the front selfie camera, the F11 Pro comes with a pop-up mechanism for the front camera. On the back side of Oppo F11 Pro you get a dual camera setup which consists of a 48 Megapixel sensor with amazing low-light imaging capabilities, thanks to the Ultra Night mode which uses the company's AI Ultra Clear engine to recognize the scene and optimize accordingly. The Ultra Night mode is similar to Google's Night Sight on Pixel smartphones. Let us take a look at the specifications & pricing of both the smartphones.
Oppo F11 Pro
With Oppo F11 Pro, Oppo went for a Full-screen look and to achieve that they opted for a pop-up type mechanism for front camera. which pops up whenever the front camera is required. The display is a 6.53" Inch LTPS IPS LCD Full HD+ with a resolution of 1080 x 2340 pixels, aspect ratio of 19.5:9 and 90.90 percent screen to body ratio.
The phone is powered by MediaTek Helio P70 Octa-Core processor along with Mali-G72 GPU. The smartphone comes with 6GB RAM+64GB storage, there is no microSD slot available. The dual camera setup on the rear consists of a 48 Megapixel sensor of f/1.8 aperture and a 5 Megapixel depth-sensor with f/2.4 aperture with LED flash. The front camera is a 16 Megapixel sensor with f/2.0 aperture, in motorized pop-up type mechanism. Both front & rear cameras are capable of capturing Full HD videos.
Along with Dual SIM capability, you get a 3.5 mm jack, rear-mounted fingerprint sensor, Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity, Wi-Fi, GPS with A-GPS, GLONASS, NFC and microUSB 2.0 connectivity.
The Oppo F11 Pro supports VOOC 3.0 fast charging and comes with a 4000 mAh Li-Po battery. The Oppo F11 Pro runs Android 9.0 Pie topped with Color OS 6 out of the box.
Watch our hands on video with OPPO F11 Pro on YouTube
Oppo F11
Oppo F11 is almost similar to its big brother F11 Pro, but instead of a pop-up mechanism front camera setup, F11 consists of a water-drop style notch housing for the front camera. The display is 6.53" LTPS IPS LCD with Full HD+ 1080 x 2340 pixels resolution and 19.5:9 aspect ratio. The smartphone is powered by MediaTek Helio P70 Octa-core processor long with Mali-G72 GPU. F11 also comes with 4GB RAM+128GB storage, with no microSD card slot. The rear camera is a dual camera setup of 48 Megapixel f/1.8 sensor + 5 Megapixel f/2.4 depth sensor along with LED flash. The front camera is a 16 Megpixel f/2.0 sensor. Both front & rear cameras are capable of shooting Full HD videos.
Oppo F11 runs Android 9.0 Pie topped with ColorOS 6 out of the box. It comes with 3.5 mm jack, Bluetooth 5.0, Wi-Fi, Dual SIM support, GPS with A-GPS, GLONASS, microUSB 2.0 connectivity and rear mounted fingerprint sensor. The smartphone supports VOOC 3.0 fast charging and comes with 4000 mAh Li-Po battery.
Pricing & Availability
Oppo F11 Pro is priced at Rs.24,990 for the 6GB RAM + 64 GB storage variant, while Oppo F11 is priced at Rs.19,990 for 4GB RM + 128GB storage variant. Oppo F11 Pro will be available starting 15th March 2005 via Amazon India, Flipkart, PayTM Mall, Snapdeal and from offline stores like Croma, Reliance Digital, Oppo retail stores etc. The availability of Oppo F11 is yet to be announced.