



Tips For a Successful Blogging

Thursday, 27 October 2011 | 07:08 WIB Last Updated 2020-03-12T08:48:32Z
Blogging can be for fun and it can also be a serious business. People blog about themselves, and maintain a kind of personal diary, for some it is an outlet where they can express their views and share thoughts, debate over a point while some get creative satisfaction by blogging about art and various other things. Blogging is also done for reaching out to people, SEO, brand promotion, online retailing and revenue generation. Whatever the cause, it needs good content, dedicated efforts and great promotional skills.

You need to write lots of content and be sure it is original. If you have the well written content and you are sure you have something to offer and keep the blog rolling, you are ready to create a blog. Once you start the blog it’s not all done as yet. Like a new born child, it needs your time and needs to be taken care of.
Don’t start the blog with just a single post, post a considerable amount so that the visitors can get a fair overview and understand the essence and know whether they like your blog or not. If they do they will subscribe to your feed or follow you and visit again. Now since you have got a follower who is interested in what you are blogging about it is up to you to keep up to the quality and the standard of the blogs.
If you write about more than one niche categorise for the readers to select exactly what they would like to read.

Important Tips for a Successful Blogging

• Your blog name should be interesting and relevant to the topic the blog is all about
• It should be well designed and look good
• Should load quickly and over varied platforms
• Should be user friendly
• Search options for those who want to find something specific
• Allow comments on the blog (though you should constantly monitor them)
• Should have a RSS feed option
• Social book marking- add Digg and Delicious and some relevant chicklets in you blog (caution- do not go overboard with them)
• Also promote your blog on social networking sites. Involve your friends in conversations over the blog
• Do definitely comment on other peoples blogs and take active part in conversations.
• Take part in forums, discussions and submit your blog to directories and let it get noticed more and more.
• You can also use the blog URL in you email signature or your profiles on various sites.
Finally when you blog becomes popular and people start liking it and coming back regularly for more updates make sure the quality of content doesn’t go down. This will be a major turn off for the visitor. Keep the visitor engrossed with internal linking and fuelling the visitors urge to explore more and read more. Have a Happy Blogging!!
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